Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry |
Measurement of Quantities and their SI Units, Relation between centigrade scale and fahrenheit scale |
Significant figures and rule for rounding off the figures |
Laws of Chemical Combinations, numericals |
Cannizzaros Principle - Empirical and Molecular Formulae, problems |
Mole Concept |
Problems on mole concept |
Concentration of solution, molarity, molality, normality, equivalent weight |
Double decomposition and electrolysis method, calculation of strength |
Numericals |
Types of titration, numericals |
Back Titration and Redox Titration, numericals |
Problems and JEE-MAINS-Problems |
States of Matter |
Gas Laws, dalton law of partial pressure |
Grahams Law of Diffusion and Molecular Speed |
Postulates of Kinetic Theory of Gases and their Non Ideal Behavior |
Some Noteworthy Points, non ideal behaviour, equation of state, molecular collision, heat capacity of gas |
Some Noteworthy Points, gas laws, dalton law of partial pressure, partial pressure and mole fraction, liquefaction of gases |
Liquid State, properties of liquid |
Solid State-Introduction and Percentage of Volume Occupied by Atoms |
Calculation of Density, numericals |
Difference between elements and compounds, numericals, cordination number, imperfection in solids, stoichiometric and non stoichiometric defects |
Stoichiometric and non stoichiometric defects |
Properties of Crystals |
Some Important Points, wustite structure, fluoride and anti fluoride structure, normal spinal structure, inverse spinal structure, isotropic and N-isotropic properties |
Elements of symmetry, law of rational indices, miller indices, |
Problems and JEE-MAINS-Problems |
Atomic Structure |
Atoms, Discovery of Sub Atomic Particles - Bohr Theory |
Rydberg Equation and Hydrogen Spectrum |
Failure of Bohrs Theory and Modern Structure of Atoms, quantum numbers |
Rules for Filling Electrons in Sub orbits |
Hunds Rule, Paulis Principle |
Numericals on Dual Nature of Matter |
Schrodinger Wave Equation and the Plots of Probability of Electrons vs r |
Problems |
JEE-MAINS-Problems |
Chemical Bonding Molecular Structure |
Chemical bond, ionic bond, characterstics of ionic bond, lattice energy, born haber cycle |
Some Important Points on Ionic Compound, fajan rule |
Covalent Bond, characterstics of Covalent Bond, overlapping of orbitals theory |
Overlapping theory, theory of Hybridization |
sp2, sp3 hybridization |
sp3d, sp3d2 hybridization |
Examples of sp3d2, sp3d3 hybridization |
Types of Hybridization |
VSEPR Theory |
Partial Polar Bonds |
Dipole moment |
Characteristics of a Bond, factors effecting bond energy, types of bond, bond angle |
Coordinate Bond and Failure of Octet Theory |
Molecular Orbital Theory: valence bond theory, molecular orbital theory, |
Molecular Orbital Theory: Energy level diagrams, bond order, shapes of molecular orbitals |
Hydrogen Bond, effects of hydrogen bonding |
Resonance |
Metallic Bond |
Problems |
JEE-MAINS-Problems |
Thermodynamics |
Introduction and Terms used in Thermodynamics |
Enthalpy, types of enthalpies |
Enthalpy of combustion, enthalpy of neutralization, solution, hydration, fusion, vapurization, sublimation, |
Numericals on Enthalpy |
Bond energy, diff between bond energy and bond dissociation energy, numericals |
Bond Energy and its Numericals, kirchoff's equation |
Spontaneity and Entropy |
Entropy change of an ideal gas, numericals, free energy, physical significance of free energy |
Numericals |
Solution |
Solutions, types of solutions, Methods for Expressing Concentration |
Methods for Expressing Concentration |
Colligative Properties, numericals |
Osmosis, diffusion, osmotic pressure and its applications |
Equation for osmotic pressure, numericals, volatility |
Raoult's Law and its Numericals |
Problems and JEE-MAINS-Problems |
Chemical Equilibrium |
Physical Equilibrium |
Chemical Equilibrium - Equilibrium Constant (Kc) |
Relation b/w Kp and Kc |
Degree of Dissociation and Calculation of Kc |
Calculation of Kp |
Heterogeneous Equilibrium |
Factors Affecting Equilibrium |
Ionic Equilibrium, Electrolyte and Ostwald Dilution Law, numericals |
Acid Base Concept |
Ionic Product of Water and pH, numericals |
Determination of pH of Weak Acid, Base and Buffer Solution |
Henderson Equation for Basic Buffer and Hydrolysis, importance of buffer solution |
Hydrolytic Constant - Degree of Hydrolysis - Relation b/w KH - KW - Ka and Kb |
Determination of pH of Salts |
Common Ion Effect, solubility and Solubility Product |
Application of Solubility Product and Numericals |
Some Noteworthy Points |
Problems and JEE-MAINS-Problems |
Redox Reaction and Electrochemistry |
Oxidation, Reduction and Redox Reactions |
Oxidation Number and its Calculation |
Calculation of Oxidation Number and its Application |
Balancing of Equation by Oxidation Number Method, numericals |
Balancing of Equation by Ion Electron Method, examples |
Electrolytic and Metallic Conduction and Conductance in Electrolytic Solutions, types of conductances |
Specific and Molar Conductivities, numericals |
Kohlrauschs Law and its Applications, numericals |
Electrochemical Cells, numericals |
Importance of porous vessel, Salt Bridge and Electrode Potential |
Factors Affecting Electrode Potential and Electrochemical Series |
Determination of Standard Electrode Potential |
Commercial cells, Dry Cells and Lead Accumulator |
Fuel Cells, Corrosion and its Prevention |
Problems and JEE-MAINS-Problems |
Chemical Kinetics |
Rate of Reaction. Law of mass action, difference between rate and rate constant |
Factors affecting rate of reactions, numericals, photosynthesis, complex reactions and elementary reactions, order and molecularity |
Difference b/w Order and Molecularity, Units of Rate Constant, integration of zero and first order |
Determination of Order of Reaction using Half Life and Initial Rate Method, numericals |
Effect of Temperature Arrhenius Theory, Determination of Activation Energy, numericals |
Collision Theory and Numericals |
Problems and JEE-MAINS-Problems |
Surface Chemistry |
Applications of Adsorption |
Colloidal States, Classification of Colloids |
Classification of Colloids |
JEE-MAINS-Problems |
Preparation of Colloidal Solution, Condensation method |
Preparation of Colloidal Solution and Purification of Colloidal Solution |
Properties of Colloidal Solution |
Catalysis |
Problems |
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties |
Classification of elements and periodicity in properties, defects of mendeleev periodic table |
Nomenclature of elements with atomic number > 100 |
Periodic Classification - Electronic Configuration and Ionization Energy |
Negative Electron Gain Enthalpy |
Electronegativity, Factors affecting electronegativity |
Problems |
General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals |
Modes of Occurrence of Metals, Minerals and Ores |
Metallurgy of Cu |
Metallurgy of Fe |
Metallurgy of Al and Zn |
Methods of Refining |
Thermodynamics of Extraction of Metals |
Problems |
Hydrogen |
Position of Hydrogen in Periodic Table - Isotopes |
Preparation, Properties and Uses of Hydrogen |
Hydrides, Types of hydrides |
Water, physical and chemical properties, structure |
Hard Water and Soft Water |
Manufacture and structure of Hydrogen Peroxide |
Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide |
Heavy Water |
Hydrogen as a Fuel, advantages of hydrogen fuel |
Problems |
s-Block Elements |
Introduction, atomic size, ionic size, ionization energy, electron affinity, electropositivity character, reactivity with air and water |
Stability of hydroxides, thermal stability of carbonates, nature of chlorides, hydration, reducing agent, reaction with ammonia and nitrogen, reactivity towards hydrogen and halogens |
Anomalous Behaviour of Lithium (Li) |
Alkaline Earth Metals |
Anomalous Behaviour of Beryllium (Be) |
Diagonal Relationship b/w (Li and Mg - Be and Al) |
Preparation and Properties of Sodium Hydroxide, nelson cell |
Preparation and Properties of Sodium carbonate |
Preparation and Properties of Calcium Oxide and Calcium Hydroxide |
Plaster of Paris and Cement |
Biological Importance of Na - K - Mg and Ca |
Problems |
p-Block Elements |
Introduction on p-Block Elements |
Group-13,14,15 & 16(General Discussion) |
Group-13 (Borax - Boric Acid - BF3 - AlCl3 - Alum) |
Properties of Sulphur Dioxide and Uses |
Oxoacids of Sulphur |
Properties of Sulphuric Acid |
Oxoacids of Halogens, interhalogens compounds |
Anomalous Behaviour of Fluorine |
Preparation of Chlorine |
Preparation and Properties of HCl |
Group-18 (Occurrence and Uses of Noble Gases) |
Preparation of Fluorides and Oxides of Xenon |
Problems |
d and f Block Elements |
Introduction, General Characteristics of Transition Elements |
General Characteristics of Transition Elements |
Preparation and Properties of KMnO4 |
Uses of KMnO4 |
Preparation and Properties of K2Cr2O7 and its Uses |
Inner Transition Elements - Lanthanides |
Inner Transition Elements - Actinides |
Problems |
Co-Ordination Compounds |
Introduction - Werners Theory - Nomenclature |
Nomenclature of anionic and cationic complexes |
Nomenclature |
Bridge Ligands and Isomerism in Complexes |
Solvate isomerism, geometrical isomers |
Valence Bond Theory, magnetic properties of coordination compounds, limitations of valence bond theory |
Crystal Field Theory |
Colour in Complexes and Limitations of Crystal Field Theory |
Application of Complexes |
Problems |
Environmental Chemistry |
Environmental Pollution |
Atmospheric Pollution |
Tropospheric Pollutants |
Global warming and green house effects, acid rain |
Particulate Pollutants |
Stratospheric Pollution |
Water Pollution |
Soil Pollution |
Problems |
Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds |
Methods of Purification: Recrystallization, sublimation, distillation |
Methods of Purification: Differential extraction, chromatography |
Qualitative Analysis |
Leibig's method, duma's method, numericals |
kjeldahl's method, numericals |
victor meyer's method, numericals |
Problems |
Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry |
Tetravalency of Carbon, Hybridization |
Classification of Organic Compounds based on Functional Groups |
Homologous Series, Isomerism |
Isomerism: Metamerism |
IUPAC Nomenclature of Aliphatic Compounds: hydrocarbons |
IUPAC Nomenclature of Aliphatic Compounds |
Nomenclature of compounds containing more than one similar functional groups |
Nomenclature of compounds containing more than one different functional groups |
Alicyclic compounds |
IUPAC Names of Organic Compounds Represented by Bond-Line Notations |
Some Important Common or Trivial Names |
Problems on Nomenclature |
Covalent Bond Fission, Electron Displacement, Electromeric effect, Inductive effect |
Resonance and its Effects |
Hyperconjugation |
Electrophiles and Nucleophiles |
Substitution Reactions |
Substitution Reactions, Halogenation |
Addition Reactions |
Elimination reactions |
Problems |
Hydrocarbons |
Nomenclature and Preparation of Alkanes |
Preparation of Alkanes: Wolff kishner reduction, Clemmenson reduction |
Preparation of Alkanes: Decarboxylation of acid, Kolbe's electrolytic method, |
Properties of Alkanes: Isomerization |
Properties of Alkanes: cracking, conformation |
Geometrical Isomerism |
Properties of Alkenes: Kharash effect |
Properties of Alkenes |
Properties of Alkenes: hydroxylation reaction, polymerization, ozonolysis |
Nomenclature of Alkynes |
Nomenclature and Preparation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons |
Properties of Benzene |
Properties of Benzene, reaction of benzene |
Ortho-Para and Meta Directive Influences |
Problems |
Organic Compounds Containing Halogens |
Nomenclature:Haloalkanes and haloarenes |
Nomenclature |
Properties of Alkyl Halides |
Properties of Aryl Halides |
Differentiation b/w various types of Halides |
Preparation and Properties of Dihalides |
Preparation and Properties of Trihalides |
Preparation and Properties of Carbon Tetrachloride |
Freons and DDT |
Stereochemistry in Substitution Reactions of Alkyl Halides |
Stereospecific and Stereoselective Reactions |
Problems |
Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen |
Nomenclature of Alcohols |
Nomenclature of Phenols |
Preparation of Alcohols: hydroboration, oxomercuration and demercuration |
Preparation of Alcohols: mechanism of acid and alkaline hydrolysis |
Preparation of Phenols |
Identification of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Alcohols |
Properties of Phenols |
Properties of Phenols: Reimer tiemann reaction, kolbe's schmidt reaction |
Properties of Phenols: phthaline reaction |
Properties of Phenols |
Sulfonation of phenols, Nomenclature of Ethers |
Preparation and Properties of Ethers |
Nomenclature of Aldehyde and Ketones |
Nomenclature and Preparation of Aldehyde and Ketones |
Properties of Aldehyde and Ketones |
Nomenclature of Carboxylic Acids |
Preparation of Carboxylic Acids |
Properties of Carboxylic Acids |
Problems |
Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen |
Nomenclature of Primary Amines |
Nomenclature of Secondary Amines |
Properties of Amines |
Differentiation of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Amines |
Diazonium Salts |
Problems |
Polymers |
General Introduction and Classification of Polymers |
Classification of Polymers |
Classification of Polymers: laderer manasse reaction |
Problems |
Bio-Molecules |
General Introduction and Importance of Biomolecules |
Carbohydrates and Its Classification |
Polysaccharides |
Proteins |
Enzymes and Vitamins |
Nucleic Acids |
Problems |
Chemistry in Everyday Life |
Chemicals in Medicines: types of analgesic |
Chemicals in Food and Cleansing Agents |
Problems |